War Letters – NW Australia: 13 Aug 1943, Manton Dam; Inspecting Darwin’s water supply

C/O DPR Unit
APO Darwin

[13 Aug 1943]


After posting yesterday’s letter I had a most welcome surprise.  One of your letters was delivered to me via the good graces of an Officer who had been in Darwin.  It was quite a treat.

I have a box of 200 cigs put away for you.  I can’t bring anything else much down because I will still have weight limits to consider on the place trip.

See if you can buy some poultry shears.  I don’t know what I want – leave till I come home – it won’t be long.  Whacko the dinner – and after?!  Your letters ar’nt [sic] censored.  So speak freely.  Am back now with the crowd from Sydney.  Amused them all last night with mad sketches of them waiting for a shower and straining at the stool.  They were well received.  Prior to the padre’s (there is one here at the moment) departure last night the drawings were strictly on the up & up.

One of the Captains here took me for a run to the dam which supplies Darwin with water.1Manton Dam, about 70km (43 miles) south of Darwin was constructed by the Department of Defence and completed in 1942.  It’s a pretty big affair and water is held back for about 7 miles.  The Manager of the plant there lives in a delightful cottage overlooking the river which flows from the foot of the spillway.  Tall and gracious ti trees intermingled with pandanas palms and eucalypts shade the languid water lilies.  His house on the hillside is surrounded with the greenest pawpaws, bananas, jacarandas and gums.  A rustic fountain plays amid tropical lilies speckled like coleus.  Bush orchids hang on the trees, citrus fruit, chrysanthemums, flocks and tomatoes add variety to the pattern.  Hanging baskets of purple backed leaves complete the picture.  The dam itself is full of fish which we could quite plainly see – perch – garfish – & one tiny snake swimming on the surface – a boat is moored nearby.  It’d make a wonderful weekender.  Apparently anything grows at any time during the dry season.  The ground is extraordinarily indulgent when supplied with plenty of water.

Sort of

The climate is getting one a bit lazy now.  Also I am becoming somewhat rattled as time is drawing to a close –  there are so many odds & ends I want to check on.  I suppose I’ll find I haven’t half enough stuff or have overlooked something – when I start in re drawing it all.

Next weekend I am flying over to a mission station2Believed to be Bathurst Island where are plenty of blacks etc.  Should be a wad of material in it.  Native dances, tropical scenery.  Air force base, shipping scenes, crocodiles – in fact – the whole works.

You can’t help but be amused at the conversation in the territory. Only 2 basic topics – women & beer discussed ad infinitum.  Lurid speculation precedes the arrival of the Tivoli ballet.  I shudder to think of the boys’ conversation after each performance.

Have borrowed a pair of shorts from the Loot at Darwin, hoping to get my legs a bit sunburnt – so far all I have collected is several hundred sand fly bites.  A microscopic fly with a Gargantuan bite.

Am due at the big do tonight so cheerio whilst I am still whole & healthy.

Lots of love sweetheart

from your Willie.


  • 1
    Manton Dam, about 70km (43 miles) south of Darwin was constructed by the Department of Defence and completed in 1942.
  • 2
    Believed to be Bathurst Island

War Letters – NW Australia: 12 Aug 1943, Coomalie Creek; With the boys of a Beaufighter squadron

W.E. Pidgeon
C/O DPR Unit
A.P.O. Darwin

[12 Aug 1943]


How’s my little pet today?  Listening to Janie?  Going to the pub?  Reading to the Watsos? Or just thinking of Willie?

Am at another camp where I stayed last night.1Coomalie Creek Airfield  Am moving up the road this afternoon where I shall pass the evening with the Sydney fellows from the Auto Club.2Believed to be Livingstone Airfield

Bristol Beaufighter, No. 31 Squadron RAAF, Coomalie Creek, N.T.

The crowd of pilots fly Beaufighters,3No. 31 (Beaufighter) Squadron RAAF a twin engined job used for strafing the nips on islands 300 to 400 miles from here.  They are somewhat older than the Spitfire boys but are all in early twenties.  The Commanding officer4Wing Commander C.F. Read is youngish tall, dark & could easily pass for a brother of Good-O.  Something about his face is remarkably like her.  The air force COs are much more friendly than their counterparts in the army.  I suppose this is so because they are much younger.

An Army Liaison officer attached to this unit came up to me last night and asked if I was Wep. Said he thought he recognised me.  Asked if I recollected trying to cook sausages with a blow lamp in the main street of Tamworth.  He was at the dance at Tamworth Golf Club.  Fancy coming 2,000 miles to have that brought up!  Wep, my girl, is a name to be contended with! – A young chap of 23 took me in tow last night & fed me with a few whiskies.  At ten o’clock we suppered on toast, asparagus and SARDINES!  Sorry I can’t bring you any down but I am not supposed to buy anything from their mess store.  In case you get the wrong idea that I am wallowing in epicurean luxury I might add that the usual mess meal is only too often blasted tinned bully beef – (tasteless goddamn stuff) & margarine which no one I have so far struck is inclined to eat.  Dry Bread is the standing order now.  It’s 3 weeks since the troops have had any butter.  You can imagine my sufferings.

Typical sketch made on the fly, possibly near Coomalie Creek, Northern Territory
Sketch colour and tone notes; possibly near Coomalie Creek, Northern Territory

This is the best camp I have been in.  Situated on the slopes of one of the few hills around this country it is sprinkled amongst delightful open forest.  Beautifully green trees, plenty of palms – and birds galore.  Dawn is a rare pleasure – you wake to the low and penetrating calls of the birds, and the air is as soft & cool as a whisper.

Possibly at camp near Coomalie Creek Airfield, north west Australia

The shower is the coldest I’ve had up here – dispersed my crumbiness in a trice.

Camp shower, north west Australia

Gave the old sand fly bites their necessary scratchings & offed to breakfast of bully beef rissoles and tinned bacon.  For heavens sake get some sucker down there to eat ours.  I’ve completely had it.  Practically every morning since I arrived.  I never want to see it again.  It dished up like limp ham boiled in washing up water.

I’m afraid you and I will have a few guests when I return.  So many of the lads have been very kind to me.  I have asked them all to give us a ring if & when they are in Sydney.

Hope to see you soon sweetheart.  Better get all beautified for you birfday5Jess’s 35th birthday, September 5th., 1943. & little Will.  Lots of kisses.  Wish I was at Darwin in case I get a letter.

Bye, bye darling



Beaufighter EH-Y, A19-70, No. 31 Squadron RAAF, Coomalie Creek, N.T.
Warming up, Beaufighter, No. 31 Squadron RAAF, Coomalie Creek, N.T.
Colour notes for Beaufighter, No. 31 Squadron RAAF, Coomalie Creek, N.T.
Bristol Beaufighter, No. 31 Squadron RAAF, Coomalie Creek, N.T.
Bristol Beaufighter, No. 31 Squadron RAAF, Coomalie Creek, N.T.
Bristol Beaufighter, No. 31 Squadron RAAF Coomalie Creek, N.T.
Coomalie Creek Airfield, 23 June 2023
Coomalie Creek Airfield, 23 June 2023


  • 1
    Coomalie Creek Airfield
  • 2
    Believed to be Livingstone Airfield
  • 3
    No. 31 (Beaufighter) Squadron RAAF
  • 4
  • 5
    Jess’s 35th birthday, September 5th., 1943.

War Letters – NW Australia: 11 Aug 1943, Darwin; Pushing off to another camp

W.E. Pidgeon
C/O DPR Unit
APO Darwin

Wednesday morning
[11 Aug 1943]


Another hurried note to catch the mail as I am pushing off again down the road.  I won’t be able to catch a mail further on.  Nothing whatever has happened since I wrote you midday yesterday.  Enjoyed “Sun Valley Serenade”1Sun Valley Serenade (1941) starring Sonja Henie, John Payne and Glenn Miller and his orchestra. See also Wikipedia once more – The skiing was extra good.  Got a real kick out of it.  Fancy that wonderful season down south going to waste.2Bill and Jess regularly went skiing at Kosciuszko with the Millions Ski Club

I’ll be pleased to be home again soon – I don’t know – I like it up here but get sick of the lack of privacy & I miss you.  Be a bit of alright if we had a house up here together.  Have managed to get enough stuff together to keep me going for some time when I return so that even if I go to New Guinea we’ll be together for a few months.  After 10 years3Wep and Jess were married August 24, 1933 you certainly get settled down into a routine existence.  After the war we’ll have to get away more together.  Make our own pleasures without the help or otherwise of others.

Fighter pilots4RAAF 457 Squadron (Spitfires) at Livingstone Airfield are putting on a do this week celebrating some anniversary.  Your art husband has been invited – I suppose he will feel a little poorly on the morning after.

I like to get away from the correspondents’ mess – there’s too much blasted proximity all the time.  But miss your letters like hell.  I won’t get one now until Monday next when I plan to return.

Have nothing more to add at the moment darling – will write again tonight.  This is just so’s you’ll get something to remember me by you little beaut.


  • 1
    Sun Valley Serenade (1941) starring Sonja Henie, John Payne and Glenn Miller and his orchestra. See also Wikipedia
  • 2
    Bill and Jess regularly went skiing at Kosciuszko with the Millions Ski Club
  • 3
    Wep and Jess were married August 24, 1933
  • 4
    RAAF 457 Squadron (Spitfires) at Livingstone Airfield

War Letters – NW Australia: 10 Aug 1943, Darwin; Funeral service for two mercantile seamen

C/O DPR Unit
APO Darwin

Tuesday 10th
[Aug 1943]


Got another letter from you posted the 6th.  Thanks sweet you’re doing very well indeed.  Sorry you haven’t had any mail for 5 days.  I can’t understand that as I don’t think at any time have I gone longer than 2 days without sending you something.  Maybe a censor somewhere has tossed one out.  Why I wouldn’t know.

Sometimes I get fed up with it here.  I think I’ll just clean up a few more things & come home within 3 weeks.  To cover everything would take me months.  So get ready to receive me right.  Am looking forward to seeing you again – it does seem such a long time – doesn’t it?

Wrote 4 letters on Sunday to you, George Finey, King Watson, and the boys at the office.   So that’s that.  I was quite exhausted after it all.

We have all been washing & ironing today as the batman is sick.  Frank Tierney1Frank Tierney was a War Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald knows all about the job.  I think he must have been a good wife to somebody.

Wep hanging out his washing. The Correspondents’ Mess is in the background. (Reproduced in The Australian Women’s Weekly, 20 Nov 1943, p9)

Yesterday I spent with a bomber squadron2RAAF No. 2 Squadron equipped with Lockheed Hudson bombers was based at Hughes Airfield (30 Mile) and managed to get a good set up of the ‘erks’ (as the air force call the ranks who do the hard manual work) loading bombs into a plane.

Sketch study for Loading A Bomber On A Camouflaged Field North-West Australia. Lockeed Hudson bomber of RAAF No. 2 Squadron at Hughes Airfield

Sunday afternoon I make a very quick note of a funeral near here.  Two of the mercantile marine seamen who were killed when Japs bombed a ship a few days ago off the coast north from here.  I think it would make quite a good picture.

Funeral service, Berrimah War Cemetery, Darwin
[ Note: The funeral services held on 8 August 1943 at the Berrimah War Cemetery were for George Dew and Harold Keller, killed when their vessel, ‘Macumba’ was sunk during a Japanese air attack. This particular scene is of the funeral for George Dew which was conducted by Padre T. Gee, Church of England Chaplain – see also . They were originally buried in the Berrimah War Cemetery on Berrimah Road, southeast of Darwin. After the war the graves were exhumed and relocated to Adelaide River War Cemetery where Dew and Keller were once again placed side by side] The Japanese attack is described by fellow correspondent Frank Tierney, SHIP SUNK BY BOMBS (1943, August 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954), p. 4.

Made a quick water colour sketch of one of the bombed houses here.  Water colors are hellishly awkward to manage out of doors.  The colour dries on the box before you can get it onto the paper.

Study for Relic of Feb ’42 – Darwin

Am dashing this letter off because I’m going up the road a little way to finish off a painting of a swimming pool I started some time ago.  As the mail will go before I return I am in haste to express my adoration.

Air Force Pool, Darwin

You must be stopping a packet of cold weather down there.  The “Army News” (local paper) mentions it nearly every day.

Yes I am getting sunburnt.  Poor old nut had peeled several times and is now sweetly crowned with a tiara of freckles.  Borrowed a pair of shorts from the Loot yesterday so hope to lose the lily whiteness of my nether limbs.

It’s a hot day but with extra pleasant cool breeze coming off the sea.  The climate here much to be preferred to that down the road where there is a great lack of breeze.  The water pipe line feeding Darwin is exposed to the sun and the water from it is incredibly hot where it is tapped into camps alongside it.  Almost to hot to shower under.  In Darwin you can have a shower any old time night or day & it’s just beaut-o!

Will be off to the pictures tonight to see “Sun Valley Serenade”3Sun Valley Serenade (1941) starring Sonja Henie, John Payne and Glenn Miller and his orchestra. See also Wikipedia again.  Be pleasant to see Sonia skiing whilst we swelter & combat the mosquitoes.

Guess I’ll have to be getting along it is now almost 3pm.  So put your arms around yourself for me & save me some great big kisses.  Lots of love sweetheart – till I see you soon.

I expect to be home for your birthday.  Love



War Correspondent Jimmy Smyth doing his washing in the Darwin area, Bill Caldbeck-Moore stoking the fire. James Frederick (Jimmy) Smyth was a correspondent for the Daily Mirror and Truth newspapers. Bill Caldbeck-Moore was a feature writer for the Daily Telegraph and remained a lifelong friend of Wep’s.
Possibly War Correspondent Frank Tierney of The Sydney Morning Herald
Loading A Bomber On A Camouflaged Field North-West Australia, The Australian Women’s Weekly, 20 Nov 1943, p8 The Lockheed Hudson bomber, possibly ‘Houdini’ was part of RAAF No. 2 Squadron based at Hughes Airfield (30 Mile), south of Darwin
Lockheed Crew, The Australian Women’s Weekly, 20 Nov 1943, p9
Lockheed Hudson Bomber, ‘Houdini’; sketch study for Loading A Bomber On A Camouflaged Field North-West Australia
Fuelling a Hudson bomber of RAAF No. 2 Squadron at Hughes Airfield
Detail studies for painting “Loading A Bomber On A Camoflaged Field North-West Australia”
Detail studies of fuelling operations for Hudson bombers at RAAF No. 2 Squadron, Hughes Airfield
Lockheed Hudson Bomber, ‘Houdini’, No. 2 Squadron, Hughes Airfield
Lockheed Hudson Bomber, No. 2 Squadron, Hughes Airfield
At No. 2 Squadron, Hughes Airfield
At No. 2 Squadron, Hughes Airfield
Funeral service, Darwin
[ Note: The funeral services held on 8 August 1943 at the Berrimah War Cemetery were for George Dew and Harold Keller, killed when their vessel, ‘Macumba’ was sunk during a Japanese air attack. This particular scene is of the funeral for George Dew which was conducted by Padre T. Gee, Church of England Chaplain – see also . They were originally buried in the Berrimah War Cemetery on Berrimah Road, southeast of Darwin. After the war the graves were exhumed and relocated to Adelaide River War Cemetery where Dew and Keller were once again placed side by side]
Relic of Feb ’42 – Darwin – The American Headquarters corner Peel and Smith Streets, Darwin was originally McLure’s flats. It suffered a direct hit from a Daisy bomb. Present-day site of Uniting Church.
Darwin buildings: Above Unidentified; Below, Darwin Town Hall, Smith Street
Darwin Post Office
Commercial Bank of Australia, Darwin – Built in 1887 and situated on the northwest corner of Smith and Bennett Streets.



  • 1
    Frank Tierney was a War Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald
  • 2
    RAAF No. 2 Squadron equipped with Lockheed Hudson bombers was based at Hughes Airfield (30 Mile)
  • 3
    Sun Valley Serenade (1941) starring Sonja Henie, John Payne and Glenn Miller and his orchestra. See also Wikipedia

War Letters – NW Australia: 7 Aug 1943, Livingstone Airfield; Heading back to the Tap-house

W.E. Pidgeon
C/O DPR Unit
A.P.O. Darwin

Sat morning
[ 7 Aug 1943]


Am going back to the tap house this morning & am in great dither to get a letter once more.  It’s an isolated sort of life the folks live up here – each day rapidly becomes the same as another when one stays at the camp for any time.  Yesterday I’d just about had enough – I couldn’t draw – I was damned hot – I was full of ants – I wished I was home.

This morning it’s a bit cooler.  Naturally I’m somewhat stronger.

I haven’t written to the boys at the office yet but I suppose you give them some information at times.

Have found out some more details about Paul1Maj. W.M. Paul? commander of 1st Reserve Motor Transport Company. An Auxilarry was formed to work for the uniot of which Mrs W. Dalziel was Hon. Secretary. Dalziels were related to Jess’s mother’s side. which I can tell you when I return.

A pleasant little item you can tell the lads. A notice on the routine orders board –

“Advice has been received from the A.P.M. N.T. Forces that an aboriginal – Mary – has been apprehended in the [censored] area.  On being examined by the Medical Authorities she was found to be suffering from leprosy (advanced).  Any person having had contact with any native in the [censored] area is to report to the Squadron medical Officer immediately.”

A pretty thought.

There is not a great deal to do about a fighter squadron – one plane is the same as the rest of them.  Main concentration has been on the dispersal room which I indicated in drawing to you last letter.

Waiting for the mission, The Australian Women’s Weekly, 12 Feb 1944, p6

There is much uninspired letter writing done from here as after the first month all novelty is gone for the pilots.  For 3 or 4 months their routine is exactly the same every day.  Up early – arrive at dispersal hut – then lounge in deck chairs all day waiting for a raid which seldom arrives.  Must be colossally boring.  Their reactions come occasionally when they get roaring drunk.  Leave every 3 or 4 months which is much more than anyone else gets.  But these lads need it alright.

Be nice if I could work in some comfort.  Disabilities & heat have just about buggered me this week.  And yet I don’t care for Darwin – it’s too far from any of the material I want & there’s also the bloody typewriters.

The steward at the bar here is an amazing replica of Ron Bennett (emaciated) complete as to hair, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, etc.  Face a trifle narrower.  Ron’s old man must have been around.

Don’t need eye-drop prescription.  A drop a day doesn’t take any away.

Attached are life like drawings of press correspondents at work and play.

Lots and lotza to my lil’ honey chile

from the celibate


Think I’ll come down in the Flying boat instead of wearying my way overland through Alice Springs.  A great squeeze for you.


An officer just came in with an official message.  Speaking of inter area personal communications over telegraph line.  Requested to cease.  Instances communication between air signals man & WAAF Signals women. “———-“ We could do with some WAAFs up here.”  Official comment is – This sort of thing must cease – if message such as this fell into enemy hands they would naturally surmise that a shortage of manpower existed in this area.


  • 1
    Maj. W.M. Paul? commander of 1st Reserve Motor Transport Company. An Auxilarry was formed to work for the uniot of which Mrs W. Dalziel was Hon. Secretary. Dalziels were related to Jess’s mother’s side.

War Letters – NW Australia: 5 Aug 1943, Livingstone Airfield; With the boys of a Spitfire squadron

W.E. Pidgeon
C/O DPR Unit
Army Post Office

[4 Aug 1943]

Dear Jess,

Been quite an exhausting day.  Plenty hot and plenty weak.  However I pulled my gizzard up & got stuck into the work of drawing some fighter planes.

Clive (Killer) Caldwell’s Spitfire, CR-C, A58-484; Aug 1943

They’re sleek jobs and surprisingly small.  You don’t get much idea of their performance when seen on duty flights around this district.  Rarely are they flown flat out except in combat.  After seeing them on the ground dirty dented & camouflaged you’d think they weren’t worth a plateful of cold tapioca pudding.  But the boys like them.

The pilots are all hellishly young.  The average age being about 22.  The Squadron leader looks youngest of all like a bit of a school kid.

Believed to be Squadron Leader Ken James, commander of RAAF 457 Squadron

They have all had English experience & are a good bright lot.  I get along very well with them as they are friendly & informal.  The binge last night served well in breaking the ice.  Almost all were as full as bulls.  Incidently none of the crowd seem to like the journalists much.  Being an artist makes everything so much easier.  Tell Tommy there is a bit of a hoon up here – name of Pilot Officer Larry Alderson – says he knew him well in N.G.  Gloria’s husband Flight Loot Newton isn’t a bad sort of bloke – Looks after me well. I still haven’t managed to buy anyone a drink.  One is not allowed to – they insist on my being a guest.

Members of RAAF 457 Squadron join each other at the mess near Livingstone 
L-R: FLTLT John Sefton Newton of Beaufort Vic., FLTLT E.S. Hall of Quirindi NSW, SQNLDR K.E. James of Frankston Vic., FLGOFF I.S. Mackenzie of Orange NSW, FLTLT D. Maclean of Rabaul and barman LAC Fred Storey. (Photo: Harold George Dick, 11 Aug 1943, Department of Information Official Photographer)
1Wep must have obtained a print of this photo with F/L Newton in it taken by official photographer Harold Dick a week after Wep’s visit. It is also reproduced in Darwin Spitfires; the real battle for Australia by Anthony Cooper 2022, pp132-133

A big crowd of bomber pilots were also down last night.  The film was fast & furious.

There’s some blasted thing I should tell you but for the life of me I can’t remember it.  Guess it’ll come later.

Yes! I’ve got it!  Do you recollect the air force medical officers at that party of Tilly’s2Australian Women’s Weekly journalist Adele ‘Tilly’ Shelton-Smith was the first woman to travel from Australia in 1941 to report from an overseas military theatre in Malaya. at which Bill Brindle3William Brindle was a Daily Telegraph photographer & his wife were present.  One of the crowd from up the road turned out to be one of them.  He is now a Wing Commander.  He was then a Fl. Lieutenant so he’s managed to step up very nicely.

Flash – last night two of the pilots after a sufficient steeping in the fiery juices set off on journey back to tent.  One – hopelessly lost curled up on the floor of a brother officers tent.  The other made the grade & work about an hour later with the tent in flames around him.  Much hilarity whilst domicile was razed to the ground.

May be off to see “In which we serve”4In Which We Serve (1942) starring Noel Coward starring tonight – that is – if I don’t get sucked into the alcoholic vortex which is apparently about to swirl any tick of the clock.

I’m still not 100%.

It doesn’t look as if I’ll be down by the 24th.5Wep and Jess 10th wedding anniversary  You will probably forgive me but it would be best for me not to dash down without properly doing the place over.  I’d love to be there.  However have a good dinner.  Get that or the other casserole or what ever you like – go to £20.  With love from your devoted, Willie.

Thursday [5 Aug 1943]

Bad show I didn’t mail the above pages this morning.  I went up to the strip with a crowd of pilots at 6.30am and arrived by at 4pm.  Consequently missed the bus, I mean the mail.

This blarsted country is full of things wot bite.  Between the heat & the wogs I’m as knobbly as a mills bomb.

All day the fighter lads lounge about inside their dispersal hut (near the ‘drome) in attitudes crooked but horizontal.



There they remain, with but slight variation waiting for the call to arms.  One morning early at least 4 of them were asleep when an alert came over.  Like trains through a station they were off & in the air.  Fortunately the aircraft responsible for the alarm was identified as friendly.

The weather seems to be getting hotter.  Myself more enervated.  Sweat rolls off me – thirsty ants swim up my cascading body & quaff the salty juices.  Beaut-O!

There’s been quite a lot of feeling that it’s near time the yellow men come over.  They sunk a ship a few days ago & have been fairly active.  A couple of months have passed since they did anything and the fighter lads are anxious to have a crack at them to relieve the boredom.

Hope Harold Coy has been behaving.6Harold and Bassie Coy ran the Hotel Hunters Hill, a favoured drinking spot of Wep and Jess Also the damned old Ponty.7Wep’s 1935 Pontiac 8  You poor darling I dare say Jane8Mary Jane Graham (nee Wray), Jess’s mother has been giving you the real works.  Is Tommy9Tommy O’Dea was the former General Manager of Guinea Air in Papua New Guinea. He joined the air force but following a major crash in New Guinea he transfered to the Royal Australian Navy as a Coast Watcher up north indefinitely?

Hope Dossie’s little girl doesn’t have 6 tits – it’ll be awful hard to find a beau with 6 hands.

Some bear bandit or other has got down on my bottle whilst Iwas away.  That’s the sort of thing that leads to lynching in this h’yar country.  You can as King from me – Where is the Ethics Committee of the A.J.A?10Australian Journalists’ Association  What are they doing about it all?  When are they going to send a missionary up here?

That there smudge is sweat.

Which reminds me you mentioned Turkish Baths. Haven’t you had any?  Why don’t you go away somewhere for a couple of weeks?  It’s getting right hot, mu chickadee.  I’m afraid this climate would suit you down to the ground.  I can’t see how one could stay very flat what with all this here perspiring going on.

Don’t get too morbid, honey.  It won’t be long before I’m home.  How’s the houses for sale?  Why don’t you go around and have a look at a few just to get an idea of value, etc.11Wep and Jess moved to 85 Northwood Road, Northwood in mid 1940. They were initially renting the property and ultimately purchased it in August 1944 from Harry Charles Allan, Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Navy  I can’t think of anything for the flairs.

When its winter
Way down yonder
It’s a pint’er
Beer I ponder
And a bit er bread
An’ butter an’ a sponge

Which reminds me how’s frige behaving?

30Lots of love from yours meltingly,


[On top of 1st page is a note written by another person]

Hello Jess you beautiful thing I love you despite all absences(?).


(?) x [indecipherable]

That goes for me too


Spitfire maintenance
Spitfire maintenance
Spitfire colour notes
Believed to be members of RAAF 457 Squadron, Livingstone Airfield
Believed to be members of RAAF 457 Squadron, Livingstone Airfield
Believed to be members of RAAF 457 Squadron, Livingstone Airfield
Spitfire pilot’s parachute
Dispersal room details
Dispersal room details
Dispersal room
Dispersal room at a fighter squadron, Livingstone Airfield
Dispersal Room at a fighter squadron, Livingstone Airfield
Snooze in the sun for a weary pilot, The Australian Women’s Weekly, 20 Nov 1943, p9
Dispersal Room
Dispersal Room
Dispersal Room
Dispersal Room details
Spitfire pilot in Dispersal Room
Spitfire pilots
Spitfire pilots
Spitfire pilots


  • 1
    Wep must have obtained a print of this photo with F/L Newton in it taken by official photographer Harold Dick a week after Wep’s visit. It is also reproduced in Darwin Spitfires; the real battle for Australia by Anthony Cooper 2022, pp132-133
  • 2
    Australian Women’s Weekly journalist Adele ‘Tilly’ Shelton-Smith was the first woman to travel from Australia in 1941 to report from an overseas military theatre in Malaya.
  • 3
    William Brindle was a Daily Telegraph photographer
  • 4
    In Which We Serve (1942) starring Noel Coward starring
  • 5
    Wep and Jess 10th wedding anniversary
  • 6
    Harold and Bassie Coy ran the Hotel Hunters Hill, a favoured drinking spot of Wep and Jess
  • 7
    Wep’s 1935 Pontiac 8
  • 8
    Mary Jane Graham (nee Wray), Jess’s mother
  • 9
    Tommy O’Dea was the former General Manager of Guinea Air in Papua New Guinea. He joined the air force but following a major crash in New Guinea he transfered to the Royal Australian Navy as a Coast Watcher
  • 10
    Australian Journalists’ Association
  • 11
    Wep and Jess moved to 85 Northwood Road, Northwood in mid 1940. They were initially renting the property and ultimately purchased it in August 1944 from Harry Charles Allan, Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Navy

War Letters – NW Australia: 4 Aug 1943, Livingstone Airfield; Arrived at the Fighter strip

W.E. Pidgeon
A.P.O. Darwin

[4 Aug 1943]


A hurried line to tell you I’ve arrived at the fighter strip.  Tuesday being beer issue night was willing.  I will write you details tonight as I’m just scribbling this to make sure you get a letter a day (to keep admirers away).  Am feeling queer. – What again! – They’re a fine bunch of kids down here.

Will write you at length this evening.  So be content with reciprocated love & hugs & kisses

from poor



War Letters – NW Australia: 3 Aug 1943, Darwin; Reviewing the N.W. Navy

W.E. Pidgeon
C/O DPR Unit
Army Post Office

Monday night
[2 Aug 1943]

Dear Jesso,

I may as well carry on with the news concluded by the letter I posted you by today’s mail.  As I’m going down the road tomorrow I won’t be writing.  This letter will serve that day’s purpose as it won’t get away from here until then.  This week I am staying with a fighter squadron under the command of Caldwell1Clive Robert (Killer) Caldwell was Acting Wing Commander in charge of RAAF No. 1 (Fighter) Wing which consisted of RAAF 452 Sqn based at Strauss Airfield, RAAF 457 Sqn based at Livingstone Airfield and RAF No 54 Sqn based at RAAF Station Darwin – shall probably meet Flutter eye Gloria’s husband – I believe he is with the same bunch.2John Sefton Newton and Gloria Olga Newton (nee Metchkoff Larsen, m 1943. F/L John Sefton Newton was a Stock and Station Agent. He enlisted in October 1940. Following service overseas he married Gloria in January 1943 and was was posted to NW area with 457 Sqn in mid January 1943. At the time of Wep’s visit, 457 Squadron was based at Livingstone Airfield.

Thanks for thinking about my lack of amenities.  I’m running somewhat short – only 24 large packets left.

I hope Tommy3Frederick Thomas O’Dea (1894-1975) got as much out of his drawing as he hoped for.  Selina is dopey alright.  Are you still getting plenty of steak over there?

The thing has started off again – Gawd help us!  Tap-tap-tap-BLOODY TAP!  This will be damn short – I get into such a helluva bate (?).  It’s worse than being in a machine gun nest with all guns firing and hailstones beating on my tin hat.  I’m not deaf enough to take it – Tap – tap – taP – tAP – TAP TAPTAP! – and so on.

I’ll write you tomorrow some time – or else wait till the bastards go to bed.  Up’em!

[3 Aug 1943]

Next morning – Much quieter – I am by far the earliest bird up here, all of which doesn’t help catch the non existent worms, but it’s plumb peaceful like.  Inside, spines are slowly being zipped into action, razors being flapped, and kidneys drained in preparation for a general exodus down the road in the wake of the Governor-General who has begun his tour of inspection.

Aboard HMAS Kookaburra during the steam past of all the naval vessels in the area

Yesterday he reviewed the N.W. navy such as it was.4On 2 August 1943, several smaller RAN vessels steamed past, in review order, the boom defence vessel HMAS Kookaburra, which had the Governor-General of Australia, The Right Honourable Lord Gowrie, VC, PC, GCMG, CB, DSO and Bar and Lady Gowrie aboard. Lord Gowrie (Governor-General during 1938-44) was on an inspection tour of defences in northern Australia commencing with a review of the Navy in Darwin Harbour.  We got out onto the flagship5HMAS Kookaburra & under panicky directions of some naval lieut. allowed ourselves to be hid behind pipes, vents, doors, etc so that the G.G.’s august vision would not be defiled by the sight of the lowly non-combatant press correspondents.  It was wretched farce – the boys have wiped the navy or so they say.  Seems more like to me the navy doesn’t care about the press.  The review of passing ships was catastrophic.  Some of the old tubs couldn’t make any speed against the out-running tide, with the unhappy consequent cancellation of part of the programme.

The tide, by the way, has a rise & fall of 20 ft and as the approaches to the land here are very shallow the water when it gets a move on races like one thing.  In the harbour I believe it does about 5-6 knots and in the creeks about 10.  I’ve seen it coming in on the creeks – it moves alright.  The harbour is a big one with an average width & foreshores much like Botany Bay.  Because of its lack of depth the water is quite green.  Here and there the side of a sunken ship rises up.  Somewhere else the masts & funnel of another stick forlornly & ridiculously out to provide parking stations for the few sea birds to be seen in these parts.

Will have to leave now – have had breakfast the all are ready for the trip.

Mail came in & I have just got another of your letters – you beaut.  Haven’t read it yet – lots of love honey – look after yourself for Willie.

Aboard HMAS Kookaburra
Aboard HMAS Kookaburra
Aboard HMAS Kookaburra
Aboard HMAS Kookaburra
Aboard HMAS Kookaburra


  • 1
    Clive Robert (Killer) Caldwell was Acting Wing Commander in charge of RAAF No. 1 (Fighter) Wing which consisted of RAAF 452 Sqn based at Strauss Airfield, RAAF 457 Sqn based at Livingstone Airfield and RAF No 54 Sqn based at RAAF Station Darwin
  • 2
    John Sefton Newton and Gloria Olga Newton (nee Metchkoff Larsen, m 1943. F/L John Sefton Newton was a Stock and Station Agent. He enlisted in October 1940. Following service overseas he married Gloria in January 1943 and was was posted to NW area with 457 Sqn in mid January 1943. At the time of Wep’s visit, 457 Squadron was based at Livingstone Airfield.
  • 3
    Frederick Thomas O’Dea (1894-1975)
  • 4
    On 2 August 1943, several smaller RAN vessels steamed past, in review order, the boom defence vessel HMAS Kookaburra, which had the Governor-General of Australia, The Right Honourable Lord Gowrie, VC, PC, GCMG, CB, DSO and Bar and Lady Gowrie aboard. Lord Gowrie (Governor-General during 1938-44) was on an inspection tour of defences in northern Australia commencing with a review of the Navy in Darwin Harbour.
  • 5

War Letters – NW Australia: 2 Aug 1943, Darwin; Barber’s shop in a forward area

C/O DPR Unit
Army Post Office

Monday Aug. 1 or something
[2 Aug 1943]


Sorry I growled about there being no letters from you.  Very little mail arrived for anyone last week.  Must have been some hitch.  Happily I received two this morning and was thereby much delighted.

What - No Letters Blokes

You seem pretty lonely poor darling – it is obviously sickening to have to either stay home alone or still see the same faces & the same chatter.  It’s lonely here as a rule when I’m not working.  That is why I like to get out each week to some camp down the road and settle in to steady effort.  There is  a great deal round about here I want to get on to, moreover the general atmosphere of this mess is slow.  At the moment all the correspondents are spine bashing.  Apparently there is bugger all for them to find in the way of news with the exception of raids.  Now that would be exciting if I didn’t catch a bomb.  And the food up here is bloody awful.  Margarine, dried eggs, macaroni pudding, stewed tea & leathered meat.  That wouldn’t be so bad if the cook thought of something besides going on leave.  Believe you me, I’ve been criminally spoilt.

On the beach again yesterday1Most likely Mindil Beach.  Water really wonderful – the sunshine and Freds bountiful.  I’m losing the lolly pink – changing chameleon like into tiger stripes owing to a little semi spine bashing of my own the other day.  Curled up in a deck chair & came to with pink bands across my belly skin where the creases between folds of fat had been retained it lily white line.  Got sunburnt on the flat yesterday – result – pink & brown now instead of original barber’s pole style.  Nerves not much better – worry a bit about the job as I don’t know how I can remember all the different colour & tones of the scenes I have ideas of portraying.  Most of the stuff I want to get down is of the rapid impression type –Much too quick even to get the drawing let alone tone, etc. The only painting I do is to note down appropriate backgrounds & incidentals to the job.  Have written these blue lines while waiting for a haircut in a military camp.

Barber’s Shop In A Forward Area

He’s a hell of a little barber about as short & thick as a fart.  An ex-ladies’ hairdresser from Farmers, or, some say Borrowmans – anyway he cuts a pretty hair.  The charge is 1/- of which he gets 6d & his unit comforts fund 6d.  You sit on a sawn off log in a parlour of the most delicate hessian.  Whilst outside in the ante-room grim faced & spare witted troops purse lips and pen handle heads in the agonising concentration of writing the dear ones at home.  I draw.  Somebody asks how to spell Americans.  I oblige.

 Have returned to Happy Messy.  This mail is due to go off in 10 minutes.  So lots of love dear & keep on writing even if it kills you.  Won’t be very long before I see you again.  Thanks for the lipstick – tasted good.  Love


The Australian Women’s Weekly, 29 July 1944
Barber Shop
Barber Shop
Reading and writing letters whilst waiting for a haircut
Reading and writing letters whilst waiting for a haircut
Reading and writing letters whilst waiting for a haircut
Reading and writing letters whilst waiting for a haircut


  • 1
    Most likely Mindil Beach

War Letters – NW Australia: 31 Jul 1943, Darwin; Under dive bombing attack by a Mosquito squadron

W.E. Pidgeon
C/O DPR Unit

Sat. night
[31 Jul 1943]


You’re an awful nice kid to write me long letters.  I likes ‘em fine and appreciate in a big way your doing so well what with the quiet life you seem to be living.  Keep it up honey – it’s a great help to hear about the poor old civilians back home.  It’s great for the morale of our intrepid war correspondent.  That’s the kind of battling (with bores & loud speakers) which really shakes the soul.  To see you standing up to it gives me fresh heart and a sterner eye.  I think you are a darling.  Looks as though this short separation helps somehow.  Makes us think more about each other & how to be nicer in both large and tiny ways.  Wish you were here for me to give a big hug & kiss. (platonic like?)

The mosquito craft are zooming about in token formations, manoeuvring into position.  I’ve already received a few direct hits but retaliating have got 4 destroyed, 6 probable, and 32 near misses.  There is no thought of my evacuating – I shall carry on in glory, in honor, and in love.  It must in all fairness be reported that had the enemy be backed by squadrons of sand flies retreat would have been both rapid and inevitable.  I have never seen a sandfly.  They must have some sort of radio direction finding equipment especially tuned to my wave length.  They never miss.  The inverted craters scaring my beyootiful body bear ample witness to the efficiency of their aiming.  I am not in the hunt.

A constant drone of war reminiscences slithers round the corner of the mess but, thank God, no tap-tapping blasts the sub-tropic heaviness of the night.  In fact it appears highly probable that there will be no rude & hearty interruptions to my pleasant solitude.  It’s a hell of a problem to be alone in any sort of comfort.  And I could do with a spot of nice cold weather – Cripes – think of all that snow going to waste!

2 more of the enemy crashed screaming to their doom.  6 more near misses.  Am becoming quite an ace – what?

Have just applied methylated spirits to my sand fly bites.

Have also practically recovered from the correspondents’ occupational disease – motor car arse and/or crumpled coccyx.

George Finey1George Finey, caricaturist and artist was a lifetime long close friend and associate of Wep’s for around 60 years wrote me too, the old villain, a very nice note telling me not to bust the poor old boiler.  Tomorrow I’ll settle down to a field day of letter writing.  Whilst you are shivering (and maybe drinking sherry) or even eating, ½ an hour’s mean time before me, I’ll be lolling near naked in the sunshine sopping up all sorts of light rays and vitamins.  Occasionally I shall put pen to paper.

Have been to a lousy picture tonight.  One could hope to escape the uncivilizing influence of Wallace Beery2Wallace Beery – American film and stage actor at this local show – but no.

Shall put up one more ack-ack barrage before I turn in.


Anopheles, where art thou?


Time Sunday morning

Scene In the backyard young old Wep is discovered lounging in lounge – He is bare to the waist & under bright sunshine is simmering nicely giving forth sweet fleshy odors more fragrant than myrrh and sandalwood.  Centre background is wire meshed kitchen. In right back is seen dimly as through a black blanc-mange a man and a bike.  This man is a solid straight forward type not the sort who would make lewd use of a bike.  In the foreground a grease trap & a pool covered with sludgy fat.  2 Dogs, Mim and D’ouevre sniff at pool and posteriors.  As the curtain rises wep is again discovered writing to his beloved wife – anon and anon he brushes fat green ants off his bronzed gladiatorial form.  A young lad, a press correspondents’ driver, enters scratching his poll.

WEP:                  G’day!

DRIVER:           G’day!

WEP:                  Have a good day yesterday?

DRIVER:           Upta f—ing putty!  The f—ing f—ers f—– round all f—ing day & f—-ing night.  And wadda the f—ing f—ers f—ing well get.  F— all!

(Driver exits back centre, scratching crutch & slavering at cook house).



  • 1
    George Finey, caricaturist and artist was a lifetime long close friend and associate of Wep’s for around 60 years
  • 2
    Wallace Beery – American film and stage actor
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