Fri 23-Nov-56: Did bit of shopping – saw Wallace Collection & picked up suit.
7 Granville St [Place]
London 23rd Nov 56
My dearest wife,
I was so pleased to get your very loving letter in which you said you had arranged to send me money. Your very real affection warmed the shivering old frame (it is only about 36°F here) and kept me glowing for a very considerable time. It was really wonderful of you to get that money away from me-and-oh, anyway I can’t thank you any better than I did a couple of letters ago. Graham’s letter-I had to laugh at him being disgusted about the delayed departure-there is no doubt about his forms of expression-I always find them using-so sophisticated and small adult like somehow-I always smile. Tell him I am very glad he has apparently done so well in his music theory exam, and that it shows that if and when he takes interest in other subjects he could do just as well. I was delighted to hear that he finally has got sick of being pushed around. There is no doubt that a bit of retaliation works wonders in procuring a subsequent peaceful life. Tell him to keep up the good work and I give him three hearty cheers. Of course with S.A.O.Hs.
I picked up my suit this afternoon, I had the trousers shortened about an inch. Saw McNulty for a few minutes and he told me that the Queen had been in Harrods too, yesterday, shopping for her youngster Charles, who turned eight last week, or the week before. So you see I mix in the right circles.
This love letter ink-and there has been quite a bit of love flowed as pen-is none other than Black Quink, which I have carried half way round the world with me. I am sorry, in a way, that very shortly I will not be able to write you anymore. I have enjoyed my spasms. Of course, I could write you some from the studio, can you imagine that, when all I have to do is chase you round the house, to lose myself in warm and ardent reality. Can’t see any likelihood of it-can you?
Of course, Guy [Doleman] would give anyone the pip. I hope to God we don’t hear anything from them on Sunday. Anyway I am determined to be too tired for such unrequested agony.
On re-reading your letter-I think maybe it would be advisable to have some curry and claret on Monday night. After chicken and bubbly on Sunday. Better get me some stout and oysters too-you know I’ll be needing great reserves of strength. On Tuesday night you’d better book us all some seats at a theatre to which we can go after dinner in town? What say to that, lover girl? Better make a lot of curry so we can have it again on Wednesday, and Thursday, ad infinitum.
Won’t be long now, sister!
Did what you suggested and had a reasonably decent meal tonight, nothing much really-but might sport myself a blowout over the weekend.
I think I’ll go to bed now and imagine what it’s like the side you. Dear lovable girl.
Sat morning [24 Nov 56]
Nothing much to add to this inconsequential note-except to say that I wake up fresh and stronger than when I turn in, and am still delighted to find I love you-and can’t wait to get home.
I have been staggering down to Selfridge’s to weigh my stuff on the scales there. I am now completely finished-I daren’t add another thing. I might as well get home with a few of my things-if I post my old suit and a few other odds and ends-I won’t get them for a couple of months. I don’t see any point in buying much else just for buying sake-in any case buying things you-is to some extent buying in the dark. I love you though.
I do-I do-I do!
Must rush off and post some books and get a ticket to Zürich.